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Ending A Shift

Learn how to end your shift in your digital logbook

Updated over 10 months ago

When you End Your Shift in your logbook you are confirming that you have finished work for the day and are committing to your 10 hour continuous rest break!

Your work day is recorded in your logbook as a "work shift". You can learn more about this in the following articles:

The "End Shift" button can display in two different places:

  • If you are due to end your shift in order to stay compliant (or are overdue) it will appear at the bottom of your screen.

  • If you are ending your shift prior to when it is required the End Shift button is in the side menu

​Pro tip: You are responsible for making sure all entries are true and accurate.

Check all the information that has been autofilled into each field to ensure they are true and accurate. The click the blue Save button in the top right corner

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