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Account Dashboard

Welcome to your Driver Admin Portal

Updated over 5 years ago

While your digital logbook app is used to record all your work-time information, your Driver Admin Portal is where you can go to manage all that information.

When you first log into your Driver Admin Portal you will land on your Account Dashboard page and have a side bar with access to:

Your account dashboard page looks like this and provides information on your current work shift and current period


At the top of the screen you will see how much time you have remaining in your current cumulative work period (out of 70 hours) before requiring a 24 rest period, the number of shifts in your current cumulative work period and the number of violations.

On the left of the screen is information on your current cumulative work day. It tells you when you started (beginning of your 14 hour work window), what activity you are currently on and how many hours you have worked.

On the right hand side of the screen is information about your current cumulative work period (out of 70 hours), with the amount of work already undertaken in the current period and the remaining balance until a 24 hour break is required.

Note: The graphics change colour using our Traffic Light Scheme detailed in our article 'How Your Digital Logbook Displays Work-Time Rules'

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