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How Do I Archive My Account?

Steps on how to close your Account with Logmate

Updated over a week ago

You can close your account with Logmate at anytime. However, the steps look a little different for Driver & Operators.

For Drivers

  1. Log into your Driver Admin Portal (

  2. Click on Profile in the side menu

  3. Click Close Account

* if you decided to return to Logmate in the future simply log back in with your credentials and your account will be reactivated

For Operators

  1. Email us at and request for us to close your account

    1. The email will need to come from the email address associated as the Primary Admin User of the Operator Account

Important Note

  • It is important to remember that Logmate is a compliance tool and is used for regulatory compliance purposes under New Zealand law. Therefore, it is important that you understand your obligations when it comes to retaining and accessing your historic logbook records.

  • You need to maintain access to your logbook records for 12 months from their creation date

  • After your account closure we will retain all relevant data as per our Privacy Policy

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