When you have an active subscription with Logmate that you have purchased yourself the credit card that you nominated will be charged the same day every month until you cancel your subscription.ย
In the event that you need to update your billing information or you simply want to view your billing history and subscription details please follow the steps below.
Step One: Navigate to your Driver Admin Portal and log in using your email address and password
Step Two: Click on Subscriptions
Step Three: Click Billing Portal
To update your credit card details click on Payment Methods and add your new details
Click on your plan to make sure everything has been loaded correctly
Here you can see if you have an active subscription, the credit card being charged, and the option to cancel your subscription.
Most of the time your App will automatically sync to our server. If this hasn't happened you may see the red Subscription Required button. Simply click on the button if it is there and press sync.